Thursday, February 24, 2011

A New Year

Its been forever since I have posted! Life is so crazy, its hard to keep up. We spent Thanksgiving with Brandon's grandparents and family. We had a great time and a wonderful dinner.

We had an amazing Christmas and Gwendalyn was very spoiled. We spent Christmas Eve with my family, we even got together with my mom's extended family (1st, 2nd and 3rd cousins) for dinner, it was fun. We headed to my parents to open presents and then went to bed and waited for Santa to come. Christmas morning, everyone came over to watch Gwen open presents (Gigi, Aunty, Nate, Uncle Chase, Grandma and Papa.) She had so many gifts. Christmas afternoon we went to Brandon's grandparents to have lunch and open more presents.  Gwen got to play with her cousin Clete for the first time. They are exactly 2 weeks apart and we finally got them together to play. It was so cute to watch them interact together. We stayed the night at Grandpa's and Grammy's (Mike and Teri,) where we spent the evening watching Gweny open even more presents, eating and relaxing. We had a great Christmas and are very blessed for all the wonderful people in our life!

Gwen and I on Christmas morning

Gweny and Daddy on Christmas Day

Clete and Gwendalyn

New Years

In January, Gwendalyn May turned ONE!! I can hardly believe, she is a toddler. The Friday before her party, she took her first steps! I spent months planning a very special first birthday for her. We had a Winter ONE-derland theme party and it was wonderful. We had our families and close friends spend the day with us. I still can't believe how fast time has went. I remember the day she was born like yesterday. I love everyday with her and watching her learn but I sometime wish time would slow down.

Gwen after her party

This has been one cold, white winter and the Troth's are not enjoying it, but one plus is I have had lots of snow days. Gwen got sick for the first time this winter. A few weeks ago, she had a double ear infection and bronchitis. It was rough on all of us. She had to take breathing treatments every 4 hours and that did not go over well. :) She hated the machine. Now, we are all healthy and waiting for Spring!

Brandon started a new job at the end of January. He is a forklift operated at the Home Depot Distribution Center in Topeka. He loves it and it has turned out to be a great job, the only downside is he works 2nd shift, so we don't see he much.  We feel very blessed that he was a good job in this economy. We are waiting to hear if I get to keep my job next year. My school district is laying off teachers and I haven't heard about my job yet. I will know the second week of March. Say a prayer for us, but I know it will work out and God will put me where He wants me to be.

My sister Alli is expecting and found out a few weeks ago that it is a BOY!! I'm so excited. I can't wait to be an aunt (and spoil him, like she does Gwen.) June can't get here fast enough so we can meet him.

Our good family friends, the Bergan's got Gwen the cutest Valentine's Day outfit, which matched with their daughter Avery's. Avery and Gwen pretty much think they are sisters. :) So on Valentine's Avery came home with me after school so her and Gwendalyn could play and take pictures in their outfits. They are the two cutest girls I have ever seen!
Gwen and Avery

Starting this week, Gwen is a full-time walker! She has completely stopped crawling and walks everywhere. She is a very independent little girl and likes to figure it out on her own, without help. She is such a blessing and is loved by so many people. I promise to blog more often, because she grows so fast.

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