Sunday, July 10, 2011


Disclaimer: This post is a huge brag on my daughter! I figured since this blog is for family and dear friends, you all would forgive me:)

I can't believe the vocabulary that Gwendalyn has developed. It is crazy. She knows over 100 words, easily and starting to say phrases. Every day she says at least one new word. She can communicate her wants and needs most of the time. The majority of her words are very clear. At her 15 month check up, even the doctor commented on her speech and vocabulary. He told me she talks more like an 18 to 20 month old. It made my day!! :)

Now maybe this isn't something to brag too much about. There reason Gwen talks so well is she comes from a family of talkers. Her mother never shuts up (just ask Brandon)! We talk all the time, all day. Everything we do, we talk about from walks we take to the trip to the store. But I am so proud of the little girl she is becoming and how fast she learns!

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