Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I entered motherhood thinking I knew what I was doing. I mean, I have my bachelor's in Education, I have worked with children since high school and I researched and read for a solid 9 months, I thought I was an expert. :) Well, I was wrong! I was clueless. Here is my view of motherhood in a nutshell.

Being tired beyond belief! I'm not talking about "I stayed out partying to late and had to work the next day" tired. I mean, so tired that when you look back you aren't sure how you survived, barley functioning tired.

Your body will never look the same, therefore your clothes will never fit the same and don't look nearly as cute as they did pre-baby.

Those cute heels- see-ya! Carrying a baby, and infant seat, a diaper bag and anything else you might need on 3 inch heels isn't possible (or safe.)

You will see, touch and wear more spit-up, poop and other bodily function, then you think possible. You will be so tired, you won't notice the huge spit-up stain on your shirt until you are in the middle of the store.

Your social life drastically decreases, as well as quality time with your husband.

No more dinner conversations with your spouses or eating a full meal or even sitting for an entire meal.

You will say things you never imagined. Such as, don't carry my shoe in your mouth, please don't eat the dog food or don't put that in your mouth, nose, ear.

Showering, going to the bathroom or any other normally private thing, is not private any more. They are either opening the shower door or screaming for you.

Nothing is just yours anymore. Everything you eat or drink, will be shared with a little person usually leaving you a treat at the bottom of your cup.

You didn't realize the first moment you met, you would fall so deeply in love it is impossible to explain. Or that your heart would now forever be on the outside.

After a horrible day, one little smile, hug or kiss can make all your problems go away.

 Seeing their face light up when you walk in the room, like you have been gone for ages and you are the best person in the world.

When you finally do get out and socialize, you miss them so much you can't wait to get back to see their sweet face (or more like dirty face.)

When they crawl up on your lap for some cuddles or hold your hand, the world freezes just for a moment.

Rocking them to sleep and they look up at you with those tired, love-filled eyes makes your heart melt.

Watching them first crawl, walk, hearing the first word or anything other milestone makes you so proud and sad at the same time.

Motherhood is far from glamorous, it rough, hard and some times ugly but man, it's an amazing thing! What's motherhood to you?! :)


  1. Ah, you speak wisely my friend. You have entered the secret club, Motherhood, and you know it well. Bwa, ha, ha. (at least that is how I felt when I began to darkly realize just how hard motherhood is!). Anyways, love your list. All so true. I am in education as well. Nothing can prepare you for it! Thanks for the follow! :)

  2. Very well put. Nothing is better than being a mom!

  3. I was much the same way- I thought I was ready b/c I had been a teacher before my oldest was born. It's so different when they are yours, though!

  4. I'm new into the motherhood club but everything you said is so true. I can't believe how much my life has changed in the past year but I wouldn't take it back for anything!
